Helping build enduring work teams and transform cultures.

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“Oh, I can do that”: The Deceptive Illusion of Skill Acquisition

You see a viral dance step tutorial video on TikTok, Instagram Reel, or YouTube Shorts and think yourself - I could do it easily as well. You see a plumber fix the leaking tap rotating the teflon seal tape over the tap thrice, and you think yourself - I could do it easily as well. You observe a workshop facilitator conduct a two hours session, and immediately think - I could do it easily as...

The ‘Battery’ of the Team

Spanish La Liga: Real Madrid's Galacticos 2002-03 Season, Spanish La Liga: O Fenomeno (The Phenomenon) Ronaldo joined the Los Blancos, Real Madrid Football Club, from Inter Milan for a staggering fee of 45 million euros. With his 23 league goals, Real Madrid won the Spanish La Liga for 29th time in its history. They were jubilant and ecstatic with the victory. In order to further strengthen their team for their conquest next season, the club...

Do not mix office retreats with team building activities

I repeat - do not mix office retreats with team building activities. Why? Before asking me why, I guess you need to ask your team members first. Ask them if the trust fall or the scavenger hunt they have been forcefully playing in every retreat contributed to their growth, or at least made a positive improvement within their teams. If they were really 'really' honest, most of them would say the games and stuff were...

Can too many cooks not spoil the broth?

"Too many cooks spoil the broth" -- this popular idiom implies that when too many people work together or are involved in an activity, the final outcome or result becomes inferior. While we all agree to the idioms with our versions of experiences, a popular management term "synergy" comes into mind. On a flipped perspective of the idiom, shouldn't multiple cooks be rather reinforcing the broth with their own camaraderie and united strength than spoiling...

Dreading the Difficult Conversations

We probably have faced difficult conversations, at least once in our lives. Ending a relationship. Asking your friend to repay his share of debt. Giving a critical feedback to your supervisor. Talking about financial issues with parents. Discussing about personal possessions with coworkers. We absolutely dread talking out these difficult and crucial issues and either do it badly or postpone it for some other time, which never seems to come. Crucial & difficult conversations can...

Why do we judge (and continue being judged)?

"You know me, not my story. So don't judge me!" "Before you judge me, why not take a good look at yourself?" "Never judge someone. They're fighting their own battles." These are some common statements we see and hear most of the times. As educated and rational beings, we know that we should not be judging others. But why do we still continue to judge people? We do not like being judged, yet we continue...